Help for Africa | ideology

Our ideology for this project

Q1∙ What is the idea behind this project

The idea behind this project is to reduce to the lowest level the sufferings, killings, crime rate, human trafficking and mass exodus from Africa to the western

Many African children are living on the street, some of them are orphans or abandoned children; those living with their parents hardly had one square meal a day∙ These children ring-ma-rolling the streets are exposed to several hardship and wild life∙ They don’t have any formal education and training∙ They lack parental upbringing and care; and do not have any value for human life∙ They constitute a menace to the society∙

Because of these sufferings and killings in Africa, many of these youths have resorted travelling to the western world where they think life will be better∙ Many of them have met their waterloo or perished in the desert and in Mediterranean sea; all in desperation to travel abroad∙ Those that managed to crossover have realised that surviving abroad has it’s challenges especially when travelled illegally. Many when cut without documents were repatriated back while several others are serving jail terms in different prisons abroad for one offence or the other. Those who settled as asylum are gradually realizing that whatever the case might be, home is still the best∙

The Founder of 'Africa our happy Home Foundation' having stayed in Germany for years and having had the opportunity of interacting with some asylum from Africa, majority of them have indicated interest to go back if properly empowered∙ Africa-Our-Happy-Home Foundation ideology has been “Capture them young” as obtainable in the western world which have reduced the sufferings of its citizen and crime rate there∙ African government are not doing much in this direction∙ We need to get these children off the streets, provide them with basic & vocational training, empower them so that they can contribute meaningfully to the growth of African nations and the world at large∙ The task is an enormous one and needs all hands on desk so that in the long run we will have a better society where sufferings, killings, crime rate, human trafficking and mass exodus from Africa to the western world will be reduced to its barest minimum∙ This is our ideology for this project∙

Q2∙ What are the Goals of this project

Our goal is to impact positively on the wellbeing of the orphans, abandoned children, less privileged, widows that are widows indeed and the youths in African nations through our basic education and vocational training; skill acquisition/empowerment and our poverty alleviation programmes∙

Q3∙ How should the Goals be Achieved

Though the task seems enormous but by the grace of God and through our hard works, we are optimist that we will triumph having in mind that a problem you fail to solve today will magnify itself and wait for you tomorrow∙

We have mapped out our strategies and have spread our tentacles for this task ahead of us∙ We will have centres across African starting from Nigeria then spread to other parts of Africa. In each of the centres, there will be hostels for the orphans / abandoned children and the less privileged∙ We will recruit qualify and trained personnel to oversee the affairs of them especially the little orphans that require more care∙ We prefer buying land and building it instead of rent to avoid ejection∙ We may not like to locate our centres in urban areas but in rural areas or semi urban areas so that through the centres, development will be attracted to these places putting into consideration security of lives and properties∙ In each of the centres, there will be staff quarters, schools that will have pre-nursery, primary and secondary school with recreational ground∙ There will be free basic education and other vocational training∙ We will categorise the children based on age, performance and skill find in each as it will determine the profession to train the child in∙ We will engage if not full time but part time services of: Guardian & Counsellors, Missionaries, Men, Women and elites that have passed through several stages in life and have stood the test of time∙ We will have at least two buses that will be conveying people around especially when we have skill acquisition training in any of our centres which will attract people from outside the centre∙ This will include the youths and the widows because we will not be able to accommodate them in our hostels.


The widows we will empower are widows that are widows indeed having no help from anywhere and her children are still young∙ We will train and render financial assistance for the widow’s establishment and pay the children school fees up to a maximum of three to secondary school level∙ We will provide the less privileged necessary tools needed to make them relevant and have a sense of belonging to the centre∙ For example, wheelchairs for the lame∙ We do not intend to bring in more orphans, abandoned children or less privileged we can cater for in each centre∙ Though we may transfer some to centres where there is space∙ We will engage these team of experts on regular basis in our various centres to train and empower the youths, less privileged, widows etc∙

The missionaries will be taken them on the need to have the fear of God and other moral ethics required to live in a civilised society while the Guardian & Counsellors will be guarding the children and the youth so that they will not make wrong choices that will affect them adversely in future∙ They will also guide the disabled so that their disability will not hinder them attaining to their full potential in life∙ The vocational training to be embark mainly upon is Farming and Agricultural handwork∙ This include Poultry, Piggery, Fishery, Cassava, Palm tree farming, Plantain & Banana plantation, Goat & Snail rearing∙

After graduation, we will assist the graduates financially to enable them establish and stand on their own instead of looking for white collar jobs which is very difficult to come by∙

Q4∙ What are the problem locally

Our major problem at hand is to bring back our children that were stranded in the northern part of Nigeria∙ They are at present in different homes, been taken care of by some individuals∙ We can no longer guarantee their safety because of what Boko-Haram is doing there∙ Cost of living is high in urban areas∙ We will put our centres in semi-urban areas where things are relatively cheap and some basic amenities available∙ There is no pipe borne water, the roads are bad and no constant electricity∙ If we have enough finance we will overcome these problems by acquiring our own land at each centre put boreholes, install generator, liaise with the communities to provide security and repair road∙

Q5∙ Who is behind this project

The Chairman, Directors and the Board of Trustees of African Our Happy Home Foundation are the people behind this project∙ They could be contacted through our email address info@africaourhappyhome∙org∙

Q6∙ How can each help

The chairman and most of the directors are working tirelessly to ensure that this project works∙ One of the board members has provided though a temporary place to start keeping the orphans and the abandoned children brought back from the northern part of Nigeria∙ Others are assisting in their welfare and the payment of salaries to those taking care of them∙

Q7∙ How will you use the donation & how much comes to the project

Every money received will be accounted for∙ Depending on the amount received, we have the plan to acquire our own lands, put structures, provide borehole, install generator, put hostels, staff quarters, purchase at least one bus, recruit staff that will take care of them∙ We believe that in near future, more donors will join because they will see how the money donated are utilised and being accounted for∙

Q8∙ How transparent are you in your dealings

We will be transparent in our dealings∙ All money collected will be documented and all expenses incurred will be receipted∙ There will be an independent auditors to audit our books each end of our financial year and the result be published∙ We will have account section which will keep track of our daily transaction, we will also have an automated online accounting system to keep track of all accounting transactions across our centres∙

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